Welcome to winter 101: the exfoliation edition. Well, sort of.

This month we’ve been talking about products that do more than just one thing, because it’s no secret that we have an obsession with anything that saves us time and $$$ (so we can focus on our more important priorities like shopping the latest Acne sale).

And when we turned our attention to the topic of exfoliation at THE FILE HQ this week, shit got interesting.

Our exfoliation habits ranged from “once a fortnight” to “whenever I remember” to “can I still use the apricot scrub I bought at the chemist 5 years ago?”… Errr, no.

We’ve all been told a hundred times about the importance of exfoliation; it removes dead skin cells and makes your skin a better, brighter version of itself. No surprises there.

But you need to make sure you’re doing it often enough to see the benefits. So for all of those who’ve kind of let it slide (=us), we’ve sourced the best multi-purpose scrubs, so you’ll A) never have to think about it again, and B) have plenty of time to fit in the occasional call to your mum.

Read on for our cheat’s guide to keeping your skin #silkysmooth 24/7.

By Carlie Fowler.