Katie Ryan here! I’m the director at aliangé Skincare with my mother Dr Alison Jamieson who is the founder and formulator. I was born in 92, The oldest of four and grew up in the country spending most of my early years riding horses. I have lived in Melbourne, Sydney, LA and have now done a full circle
ending up where it all began at my families property in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast. Here I spend my time between my cottage and the aliangé store and travel when I can. I studied a Bachelor of Nursing and became a registered nurse but have always been interested in pursuing something within the creative realm. This combination led me to my work with aliangé where I have been able to
apply these skills and still pursue a creative outlet with aspects such as product development, creative direction and marketing. Growing up in Australia and living a lifestyle predominately outdoors means being aware of the harsh environmental factors, so my day to day life definitely involves ensuring I’m always protecting my skin with a variety of products and over the top UV protective clothing (SPF everyday of course).

Despite working in the beauty industry, in fact this perhaps has shaped my perception, I definitely try to embody a holistic approach when it comes to beauty. I appreciate the desire to maintain physical beauty & aesthetic as I believe it is one element to confidence but I also feel true beauty does radiate from within so I try to maintain a balanced diet and keep on top of mindful self care routines that nourish my mind, body and soul. I practice this as much as possible of course appreciating life challenges.

My skin changes depending on my environment and the season so I do alternate products depending on this. My skin care routine for my face and décolletage is aliangé Skincare but for my body, hair and diet of course I have other necessities I love! Here are few I can’t live without..

aliangé Lilah Summer Hydrating Masque mixed with the Probiotic Masque

2 in 1! Currently, I mix these masques for the Ultimate Masque session (1-2 times a
week). Applying Probiotics topically has revolutionised my skincare routine. The benefits I’ve seen from the consistent application of topical Probiotics have most definitely exceeded my expectations of this technology! This baby blue masque protects and shields from pathogens, calms any acne and rosacea, kills bad bacteria, nurtures the growth of good flora, soothes at a cellular level and anti-ages through the production of collagen. I like to mix it with the Hydrating Masque which is a natural moisturising masque that was made in collaboration with Lilah Summer. It contains natural ingredients, is vegan, contains no parabens and is cruelty-free. Plus, it’s fragrance-free and has a light, creamy texture, making it perfect for times when my skin is feeling sensitive.


The Beauty Chef Cleanse Inner Beauty Powder

I love this product to mix in with my smoothies which currently consist of oat milk, berries, spinach, chia seeds, maca and a variety of adaptogens from Let Go Herbs! I try to add this to my routine every couple of days and I definitely feel and see a big difference in my energy, mood and skin when I do. It tastes delicious as is, which means I can avoid adding anything that contains too much sugar. This keeps my blood sugar in check throughout the day helping to avoid spikes and crashes. It’s also great if I’m on the run and I know I’m not going to be able to eat the way I would like to on those extra busy days! As it usually lasts around a month, I’d consider it pretty good value… that is, unless my sisters are around.


aliangé OF Serum and Chanel Lip Colour

This is currently my favourite product in the aliangé range. It is a collaboration that we created with Oracle Fox / OF by Amanda Shadforth. She’s one of my mother’s dearest friends – not to mention a huge inspiration for me once my aesthetic eye kicked in! This serum anti-aging serum hydrates and stimulates the skin’s natural DNA repair process, reducing cell aging and UV damage, whilst increasing collagen support – crucial to keeping your complexion plump and bouncy. That has a lot to do with the Kakadu Plum, an Australian plant with a very high vitamin C content, measuring up to 100 times the vitamin C found in oranges. It also works wonders for stubborn pigmentation, is a powerful anti-oxidant and improves skin texture and luminosity. I don’t wear foundation but if I do this is my go-to make-up primer and it smells so good I sometimes want to eat it. Honestly, if I had unlimited time and word count, I could go on all day. Also, while I’m on the topic of makeup I definitely believe skincare takes priority but if and when I do, I’ll opt for a mineral concealer under the eyes and make my lips the focus. Currently, I can’t live without Chanel Rouge Allure Ink in liquid matte.


Coqui Coqui Fragrance and Aesop Room Spray

I find scents one of the most interesting subjects. After a recent trip to Grasse in the South of France where I visited perfumeries —Fragonard, Galimard, and Molinard – I have become mildly besotted. As we all know, scent has this incredible way of transporting you back to a memory or a place – an olfactory journey, if you will. The power they have to trigger emotions is so intriguing in both a positive and negative way, and I live for the warm or melancholy rides they take you on. This Maderas Eau de Parfum from Coqui Coqui came about as a gift from my friend Lilah who brought it from Tahiti when visiting. It has fast become a favourite, a fresh new scent, and one that has me looking forward to manifesting the intentions and goals I’ve set for 2019.

In addition to this I enjoy Palo Santo. When I burn this, it reminds me of the lessons I’ve learned in the past, both good and bad. It makes me feel grateful for my experiences and re-grounds me. Also, let’s talk about Aesop Room Spray. So beautiful! Its bold notes are strong and keep me focused. A good spritz of this helps to keep me stay centered.


Jade Roller

Right now I am using the Jade Roller for its many benefits especially for blending serums into my skin. I ensure it’s always kept sterile of course!