Here at THE FILE, we’re nothing if not nosy – and we like to keep things real. What women do behind closed doors has always been far more interesting to us than a painstakingly-curated Instagram flat-lay or airbrushed magazine feature. In Her Bathroom is all about bringing you a totally uncut, uncensored and #BTS look, direct from the bathrooms of the women we love. Consider it your weekly dose of voyeurism. What women are actually using. Their own tips and beauty hacks. Their own mistakes and flaws. What works. What does not. 

Today, we bring you TyLynn Nguyen, a designer, model, mother and dear friend of THE FILE. We first profiled her here and found out she makes some pretty mean lingerie. She’s incredibly elegant but more so kind. And while we believe beauty is so much more than skin deep, would you take a look at hers? A moment of silence, please.

Now, press play.

Watch and learn.

Weep sweet tears for the beauty and grace that is TyLynn.