If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, chances are your winter reads as follows: laying under the doona, freezing your tatas off, watching on social media as countless people live it up on the coast of France with almost enough Campari-based drinks in their hands to drown out your sorrows, and so on. Stay comfy, ‘cause we’ve got one more person to add that list: Diana Bartlett. Instead of inciting rage with the millionth pic of a sunset that no one asked for, à la all your annoying acquaintances on Facebook, she’ll inspire you to throw caution to the wind (and a short leave notice at your boss), and hightail it to the airport for the next Europe-bound flight outta here. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.

When she’s not adding fuel to our FOMO fire, the New York-based photographer/stylist is putting our favourite girls in the kind of outfits that our rich-Italian-woman aesthetic dreams are made of, and then expertly capturing their best angles on camera. Her good taste spans a wide variety of verticals — art, food, holiday destinations, architecture, clothes — so we assumed it stretched as far as her beauty cabinet. We were right! Read below for her top four products, then let your mind drift back to planning your 2018 European summer.

Buly 1803 Lait Virginal Scottish Lichen

“I really enjoy smelling good in a subtle, skin-like way, so I like this milk from Buly 1803. It mixes nicely with the natural smell of the skin, without overpowering it.”


Kevyn Aucoin Eyelash Curler

“I don’t like to wear much make-up, so this eyelash curler is nice, because it makes me look more alive, and enhances what’s already there rather than changes it. That said, if I’m going out at night, I love this Nars lipstick in Palais Royal, because someone once told me, ‘it makes you look like a woman.'”


Klorane Smoothing And Relaxing Patches

“I don’t know if these things actually do anything, but they feel really satisfying. They fit in my bag, and I’ll throw them on wherever I am for a little pick-me-up.”


Christophe Robin Antioxidant Cleansing Milk And Conditioner

“I have Asian hair from my mother, so it’s naturally very straight. I get a digital perm once a year, which gives it that, “I just woke up like this, or could have spent all day at the beach” look. I wash it every morning, even though I’m not supposed to. I use the Christophe Robin Antioxidant Cleansing Milk, which seems less drying than other shampoos. Then, I’ll comb the conditioner through my hair, rinse, and run out the door.”


Words, Madeleine Woon.