Okay, confession time. We did not ‘wake up like this’. No. In fact, we woke up with one false eyelash (and it was half falling off), a half eaten take out container on the bedside table and a pounding headache.

‘Tis the festive season and we have been, ahem, festive. Thanks to bottomless Christmas party bar tabs, endless holiday lunches and every-day-is-chocolate-day vibes (thanks for nothing, Godiva advent calendar), we find that if our skincare regime isn’t sharp, we start to look a little fuzzy.

So we thought we’d get the jump on post-party season guilt and detox our beauty regime to make sure all the products we are putting on our face this season will hydrate (sun + sea + sparkling = Valentino Garavani face) and make sure make-up stays put (sun + sweat + make-up slippage = Britney circa 2007 face).

We recommend you do the same. These are the products you need to swap in.

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