So, here’s the thing… we hate to break it to you, but investing in the right products is only half of the story.

The other half is when you use it, how use it and where you put it.

You see, we’ve been doing it all wrong. But to be completely honest, how is the average La Mer-crazed product junkie supposed to know? There are so many things in the mix (a slew of serums, natural oils, retinol creams, peptides, moisturiser, eye cream, treatment masks, SPF?!)… it’s just confusing.

The most obvious approach is to slather them all over one by one, but guess what?

Some areas need more TLC than others. That’s why layering your products strategically can actually make the world of difference.

Ever noticed that some oils create those annoying little raised pores on your cheeks or chin? Don’t put it there. If your new rosehip is making your T-zone extra oily, only put it where you need it. It’s called spot treatment, and it works.

It’s also good to layer-up multiple serums, if you know how to do it right.

But if this is all sounding a bit technical, there’s one golden rule everyone should follow AM and PM, and we’re going to tell you what it is because we like you.

Read on…

By Carmen Hamilton.