Today we’re making the case for a generous slick of inky-black liquid liner. First things first, if you haven’t seen our fail-safe step-by-step guide to winged eyeliner, get there.

Basically, liquid liner is where it’s at. It’s kind of been cast-away in the ‘too hard’ or ‘nighttime’ basket for a while, but we’re bringing it back. In fact, our favourite way to wear it is with nothing (or pretty much nothing) else; a white tee, 501s, bed hair, a bit of concealer and a slick of liner on a Sunday morning = e v e r y t h a n g.

But knowing where to start isn’t easy. Let’s be real – some of them suck and make the whole process seem like a disaster waiting to happen.

So we got down and dirty with the thick, the thin and everything in-between to find the ones that make it fool-proof.

And for your daily dose of#inspo, look no further than Shopbop’s Fashion Director Elle Straus. Girl knows how to wield her way around a black felt tip liner pen to create the necessary balancing act for a pretty, floral outfit.

Or for those who are feeling a little more ambitious, there’s always these 5 different liquid liner shapes to experiment with. If we can do them, so can you.

Get to it.

By Carmen Hamilton.