Unless you’ve been in solitary confinement for the past few years, you’d be well aware of our favourite slashie and the force behind mega blog Shine By Three, Margaret Zhang. Stylist/ blogger/ photographer/ consultant/ commerce and law student, we’re exhausted just thinking about it.

With over half a million instagram followers, she’s as in demand as a pair of Yeezy Hightops.

And now, she’s gone and added “ambassador of a major global beauty brand” to her super chic belt, fronting #FaceForward – a global campaign for Clinique.

The initiative is a major step in shining the light on how girls can seriously kick butt at life and Zhang is reppin’ alongside Hannah Bronfman and Tavi Gevinson. Not just a pretty face – although she’s totally got one – Zhang is more than fit for this.

But our all time favourite thing about MZ is how she manages to perfect her winged eyeliner. Every. Damn. Time. So we talked her into showing us how she does it in a few easy steps. Click through to read her tips.  #WingingIt.