You know those “moments” in fashion that transcend the clothes themselves? Those game-changing, innovative moves that continuously keep major brands valuable and relevant – making sure we’re inspired to exchange our hard-earned clams for their extravagant wares? Well, typically there is a person carefully orchestrating that thing (whatever the hell it might be) that everyone will be talking about tomorrow.

These are the unseen behind-the-scenes gurus who propose such headline-making game plans as Marc Jacobs casting its next campaign with unknowns unearthed on Instagram, or enlisting inveterate wild child Cara Delevingne to front the new Spring/Summer line for a traditionally restrained label like Burberry. Jordan Daly is one of those people.

After 10 years working in strategy and marketing for some of the biggest luxury brands in the world – including Burberry & Ralph Lauren, her ‘day job’ is now an amalgamation of: building brands, community development projects and teaching yoga.

Within the past few years Jordan created Mind The Gap, a consulting business that specialises in the ambitious task of rolling social responsibility and economic success into one for corporate organisations. At its core, Mind the Gap is about changing the world for the better.

Jordan’s journey from big brand corporate chaos to a more spiritual, holistic path has proved an evolution of the soul as much as anything. So, has the shift influenced her style and beauty choices?

“’Shift’ is a great word… Long story short, I spent a lot of time looking externally for things to make me feel happy and fulfilled and successful.  I realised that everything I need I already possess.  So my path over the past couple of years has led me down that of living my truth in this very beautiful, unexpected, labyrinth-esque way. It’s had an impact on my mental and emotional self, which dictates my physical self. And I do think my aesthetic being is brighter!”

It’s not like her ‘aesthetic being’ has ever been anything less than bright.

Her look is classic all-American babe: tall, strawberry blonde hair with a slight post-beach vibe.

Her personal style she describes as “somewhere between surfer and civilised”, with beauty efforts that fall “somewhere between not brushing my hair and putting on lipstick.”

“I wish I could tell you that I’ve spent time going through and determining the best products for me, but the truth is: they happened by default… How I treat my body is infinitely more important than what products I use on it.”

What about the lush La Mer eye balm we spotted in her collection. Isn’t that great?

“So Good!” she says… before adding: “Okay, I’m lying. That was hand-me-down from a friend who worked for La Mer.  Have never used it. My eye opening ‘trick’ in the morning is splashing really cold water on my face.”

Jordan’s definition of beauty is rooted in the internal, so health and wellbeing are important to her. But by the same token her attitude to it is refreshingly laidback.

“I’ve been off dairy for about three years and I eat mostly vegetarian and fish… except for those times when I don’t because I am craving a burger with grilled onions and BBQ sauce.”

Now that’s our kind of girl.


Photography by Soraya Zaman. 

Words by Susannah Tucker. 

Her Style File