We have enough half-baked invention ideas swirling around our brains to fill up an entire Smythson notebook, but the one truly worthy of being copyrighted (IOHO) is an app where you’re able to Shazam outfits. The possibilities! This hypothetical app would work in the same way as the real one does, but instead of recording whatever unidentifiable hot trap jam is on the radio, the user would take verging-on-stalker pictures of cool girls on the street and their cool outfits. A touch creepy, sure, but also kind of genius?
The amount of times we’ve wanted to ask a girl what she’s wearing but ultimately chickened out because of perceived social shame is in the trillions. Enter outfit Shazam. And of all the trillions of women we would use it on, Danielle Van Camp would be our number one pick.

Danielle isn’t just a “dream girl”, she’s living out all your dreams — literally by holing up in a trés chic Parisian apartment with her equally as talented photographer boyfriend — and also by working between RUSSH and POP magazine as contributing fashion editor and senior fashion editor, respectively.

She also owns every. single. cult beauty product and fashion garment in the world. Louis Vuitton monogrammed boots? Got ‘em. Givenchy lipstick? One in every shade. Peeping her wardrobe got us more excited than watching Cher pick out an outfit from her virtual closet in Clueless for the first time (the hugest claim known to man, but one that’s definitely substantiated). Her beauty cabinet? Speechless.

Danielle Van Camp is the girl that influences the influencers. She also happens to be one of those rare dimes in life that you meet and kind of wish you could be good mates with. She’s humble, beautiful and hardworking, and she knows a thing or twenty when it comes to style. She looks equally as lush slouching around her apartment in a T Alexander Wang dress and grey socks as she does decked out in a vintage tee and Gucci belt. But it’s not just impeccable personal style that’s got her so far in the industry — the low-key beauty recognises the merit in earning your stripes and hunting down your dreams. Her advice for newbies starting out? “Do what you love, simple. If you want to be in a creative industry, get interning. Know your industry, the names, the brands, the history, references. There is a place for everyone — once you start interning you’ll see all the different possibilities.”

For Danielle, the possibilities have been endless. And to borrow her most overused word at the moment, her life has been one helluva ‘wild’ ride. It makes sense then that she lives by the following words, pulled from the pages of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic: “Be fearless, be happy. Lead a life devoted to inquisitiveness, and that’s more than enough for a rich and splendid life.” <3.

Words, Madeleine Woon. Photography, Joseph Molines. Thanks to Danielle Van Camp. 

Her Style File