Good pins are all we want for Christmas this year, and boy does Chanel have the goods. This season is all about that opulent steez, with velvet making a comeback, fancy candles reigning, and now a return to the good ol’ brooch.

When you hear the word brooch, your mind could be forgiven for going to your grandmother’s extensive collection of pearl clothing ornaments, or your noughties schoolbag that was almost definitely adorned by a million Avril Lavigne and Blink 182 pins, but Chanel’s new range strikes the perf balance between being cute af and classy enough to flaunt proudly at your fam Christmas dinner. They’re also modern enough that you won’t have to worry about feeling like the human equivalent of an old lady’s stuff attic, which let’s be honest, is a very real concern when it comes to the brooch. 

There’s a range of super kawaii Chanel pins on offer, but the ones we want in our Christmas stockings this year are the pineapple, cactus and ‘I love Coco’ brooches. Wear them together, or take each one out for a spin on their own. It’s 100% guaranteed that your granny is going to love it.

Get them here, here and here.

Words, Madeleine Woon.