So wrinkles have been a hot topic of conversation in the office lately, how to get rid of them, and more specifically, how the heck we slow this whole ageing process down. We realise that baking in Reef Oil back in 1999 probably wasn’t the best idea, but our general philosophy in life is #gohardorgohome, whether it’s drinking one too many vinos, rolling home at 3AM in the morning or accidently smoking the odd ciggie….we’re all about finding ways to counteract the, er, fun times.

Luckily, we live in a world where science is king. And science is the best thing we have on our side when it comes to slowing time, at least on the surface. The key is to start in your 20s and 30s –don’t wait until they catch up on you. From light therapy to IPL, to collagen building and enzyme-based rituals, we’ve rounded up four of the best treatments to invest in now. You’ll thank us when you’re still getting carded at dive bars in five years’ time.

DMK Enzyme Therapy

Attn: free radicals, dullness, wrinkles and unhealthy cells, time to exit the building. The only treatment in the world to use these kinds of enzymes, DMK Enzyme Therapy works with the skin, rather than just sitting on top of it. It promises to help build a healthy, toxin-free base for skin to help itself (rather than just a quick fix). Heads up though, it involves super-tight mask that, as it dries, also exercises facial muscles and firms the skin, so it’s not as relaxing as it is effective. And boy, is it effective.


Holy moly, this light therapy treatment should come with some kind of addiction warning. Because, it’s like beauty therapy crack, in the best way possible. A total gamechanger, Omnilux uses a sci fi-like LED light which snaps collagen production into action and feels like you’re at the beach, minus the sun damage. Pigmentation, acne scarring, dullness? It’s got you. Get it the day or two before a big event and you’ll rise with plump, glowy skin. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Collagen Induction Therapy

Probs the most hard-core out of the bunch (there’s a four to seven days downtime here), but definitely the most fascinating. CIT is aimed at those on the scary end of 30, but it’s also ace for 20-somethings still carrying around reminders of their high school acne. The idea behind the treatment is to spike a turbo collagen-building spree by rolling “microneedles” over the skin – which are exactly what they sound like. It totally works, but you know what else? It will also help your skin absorb products up to 1000 times better. Win-win.

IPL Rejuvenation

Ah, the grand daddy of light treatments. Freckles? Gone. Acne? See-ya-later. Broken capillaries? Bye, Felicia. Way more gentle than people assume it is, this pulsed light treatment is purrrfect for 20 and 30-somethings (*cough* most of THE FILE HQ) who never listened to their GPs when told to stay out of the sun while on the pill.
Like a magic disco-light eraser, this baby flashes away the sun damage and pigmentation, clearing the slate for a creamy, youthful complexion that will have you selfie-ing the whole way home.