(1441 results)




Imogen Kwok

Chef, Food Designer and Artist
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Amy Trinh

Co founder and Creative Director of WED
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Normal, Combination

Dana Boulos

Film Director and Photographer
Age: 35-40
Skin type: Oily, Dry

Ro Brahmand

Founder, The Wilds Skincare
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Naja Munthe

Creative Director and Founder of Munthe
Age: 55-60
Skin type: Combination

Rose Hermansen

Designer, Model and Co-founder of Architect and Design firm Atelier Axo
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Dry

Leonardo Brito

Movement Creator and Professional Ballet Dancer
Age: 25-30
Skin type: Oily

Ariella Starkman

Creative producer, Founder of Starkman & Associates
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Dry, Sensitive

Carmen de Baets

Founder of Boutique and Guesthouse, Carmen Amsterdam
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Sensitive

Anna Polonsky

Creative Director and founder of creative agency Polonsky and Friends
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Ina Beissner

Jewellery Designer, Founder of Ina Beissner
Age: 40-45
Skin type: Combination

Blanca Miró

Founder, La Vest and Delarge
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Sensitive

Brie Welch

Fashion Stylist and Creative Consultant
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Ida Simonsen

President and Chief Executive of SCMP - Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot and Fursac.
Age: 55-60
Skin type: Dry, Sensitive

Selena Ayala

Integrative Nutritionist And Health Coach
Age: 40-45
Skin type: Combination

Kate Mao

Buyer and founder of Into Archive
Age: 25-30
Skin type: Sensitive

Pirrie Wright

Influence and Celebrity for Cartier
Age: 25-30
Skin type: Sensitive

Anna Santangelo

Styling, Creative Direction and Jewelery
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Sensitive

Mercy Sang

Art director, Stylist and Fashion Consultant
Age: 25-30
Skin type: Combination

Stephanie Broek

Editor at Large Vogue Netherlands, Fashion Writer and Personal Stylist
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Alici Sol

Model and Songwriter/Singer
Age: 18-25
Skin type: Combination

Eve Lyons

Photo Editor, The New York Times
Age: 35-40
Skin type: Combination

Melissa Levy

Stylist, Photographer & Fashion Director
Age: 35-40
Skin type: Oily, Normal

Eva Langret

Director, Frieze London
Age: 40-45
Skin type: Oily, Normal

Jenn Park

Designer and Visual researcher, @sculpting_in_time
Age: 35-40
Skin type: Dry

Alice Betts

Public Relations Specialist
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

Solynka Dumas

Restauranter and Founder of July
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Sensitive

Laura Lombardi

Designer and Founder of Laura Lombardi Jewellery
Age: 30-35
Skin type: Combination

