I love to think of beauty as an exchange, in the way we relate and connect to each other through information shared around beauty, and how it’s used as a vehicle for self expression and affirmation of identity. My own routines are informed by tips and insights passed down to me from figures within my own family, as well as close friends or practitioners who have shared their knowledge with me. I think of it not just as a form in which I care for myself, but as something that connects me to others I’ve learned from and places I’ve been.
Everyone’s practice and idea of beauty is so special in how it’s completely unique to them, but also a snapshot of personal and in some cases cultural and generational history.
‘One of the earliest beauty tips I picked up was using rose water before moisturizing via my Nonna. I attribute my zeal for hydrosols to this and always keep Santa Maria Novella’s rose water on hand.’