Nina Anine Van Velzen

Location: Amsterdam
Age: 25-30
Skin type: Sensitive
Concerns: Redness

What does Beauty mean to you?

Beauty definitely comes from the inside.

On Skincare

My beauty routine is quick and always the same. I don’t use a lot of products and I never wear any makeup when I am not shooting. I always start my day with a shower and then I use face cream and a face roller to massage my face and to wake up a little. When I am super tired I use eye pads or eye cream to feel more awake. I spray on some rose water and put on lip balm and that is about it! For my hair, I always use Aesop shampoo and I use Moroccan oil once in a while. Before I go to bed I clean my face with Bioderma or with water and then I put on face cream. Once a week I use a face mask before bed. That is about it! I am very lucky with my skin, I have sensitive skin but never any spots or acne. Since being pregnant, my skin is even more glowy than it used to be.

In Nina's File

On Haircare

I always use Aesop shampoo, I just love the smell. Once a week I also use conditioner, also from Aesop. Sometimes I do a hair mask from Moroccan Oil. But only when I feel like it. My hair was super healthy and thick during pregnancy but now I have a lot of hair loss due to the change of hormones so I try to be extra nice to my hair.

On Make-up

I never put on any makeup as my husband hates makeup haha. So I only wear makeup when I’m shooting. But the product that I will use if I have to take polaroids, or when I have a special evening is concealer from YSL. I also love Elizabeth Arden’s Lip Balm and Face Mist and that’s about it!


On Health and Wellness

I do yoga every day. Either to start my day or to end my day. Also during pregnancy, it made me feel so good and energetic. I walk every day for like an hour or more. I did meditation during pregnancy to stay calm and prepare myself for giving birth. But now I only do it when I feel a bit overwhelmed or when I want to find some peace within. I think being in nature is one of the best things you can do for your health, both mentally and physically. I drink a lot of water every day, I don’t drink coffee and I haven’t eaten meat since the age of 10. I eat quite healthily but not too strict. I try to sleep as much as I can (8 hours is the goal) but that can be quite hard with a baby.

On Rituals

Yoga and Pilates really changed my life. I started about 10 years ago and my body is stronger than ever. It makes you feel so much better after and even during your practice. I really try to find one hour each day in-between to do a little mat practice. I have always been very into sports so I love to exercise.  I used to do a lot of cardio and boxing, now I find more strength in yoga and Pilates. And walking, a lot of walking.

On Fragrance

My favourite is Le Labo – Sandal 33.

Your Beauty Secrets..

Water and nature I think that is the secret.

I think there is a lot you can do yourself. With a simple face roller and gua sha. And there are very simple face massage techniques you can apply to your own face. For body, I love to do a massage once in a while.

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